12 March 2007

so i weep. i weep for i didn't get what i want, and call me any names you would like to call me... but i feel so sad that i'm going to study in up. and to whomever this entry is addressed.. i hope she reads this. i really hope she does.
now that im going to some place that i didn't wish to go to, i want everything to be fair enough. i get what i don't like. i'll let you get what you don't like. as long as im alive, no ceremony is going to happen. nothing is going to happen. fair enough? yah. i think it is. and since i get what i don't deserve to get,, i will certainly demand for more. and to whomever this entry is addressed, don't dare show you're fugly face to me. coz i swear, once i see that, you'd be going home fuglier that what you look like right now. i hate it that you're still existing. god knows that i'm just making my patience go longer. but since you've reached the end of my patience, i swear that one of us will live in hell... and i swear to every person i love, that it's not going to be me and i will make sure that it would be you. i hate it that you have this unbelieveable guts to show your face to my relatives... if only you knew how they curse you at your back.. aha! well, i think i do things better than them. i make sure what i say reaches your ears. im going to let everyone know what your agenda really is. and if you think that you're more powerful than me.. think again. you may have all relatives at your side plus one of mine.. but i have every single souls in heaven with me and all the one existing on earth at my side.
take this from me. now that i don't get what i want, i will make sure that you feel how is it like living in hell.. living in a place you've never wanted to be in. we can never be put together. i'll always have a knife with me,in the form of everything that comes out of my mouth, to stab you especially when im in the mood to do such thing. i haven't met you personally, but i don't think i have to. facts are proofs that you're someone i should hate even without the actual meeting with you. just the sound of your name irritates everything inside me.
i am not mad. I AM ANGRY. angry because.... you came in a manner no one decent will ever dare to do.

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