29 July 2006

at this moment, i can't possibly explain what i'm feeling. really. i feel so nervous because of the upcoming UPCAT. man!!! really i am. and i even felt surprised when i found myself studying biology and english for the exam. waaah. really really not me. but with all the expectations pressuring me, i think i really have to. i feel it's a must to pass, and i feel that it's time to prove them right. that i am not a good girl transformed into a bad one. i still am a good girl. really good girl. oh god! i really need God's help.

pray for me. i need those prayers.

anyway, just having a break from the long biology reviewer making. waaahh.. i'm really panicking.

last night i dreamt that it was already the examination day. it was 5:30 when i reached UP and was left by my mom at the testing center. 6:00 came when i realized that i forgot my testing permit.

waah.. i think that was a reminder for me. dreaming something like that makes me really nervous. yah i really am so paranoid right now. then add the nervousness that's freaking me out.
because of that, i've set 3 reminders for myself about the permit. 1 set at night before the test. 1 set 4:30 am on the testing day and 5:00 set 1/2 hour before the test.

i know! i am so paranoid.

but anyway, i'm already done with my ACET essay. yes. i did another one since the first one(thanks to raissa) was mushy. the second one (thanks to anne) was i think boring. the third one (thanks to the computer) was erased and the fourth one (thanks to myself) was lost. yes, i actually made 5 essays. i've sent the fifth to my cousin, then he'll recheck it for grammar. i think that one is the best essay i've made. it satisfied me and i really felt so successful when i was reading it. i really hope it won't look boring to the reader because for me... it's something that can pull me up in case i am just wait listed.

hmmm.. more to come.

ps. senior year isn't tiring but really pressuring.

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