23 February 2008

being legal has so many priviledges... and im enjoying most of it.
right now, im trying to be loveydovey and all that.. even though i am so not... but i dreamt of some asshole last night and we had so much fun drinking... kaya.. although my friend and i were really miserable last night at drews... ahaha. we raised a toast for being loveydovey.

so what have i done lately?
my birthday was... ahaha. fun
i got so many surprises from my blockmates and from aura and anne. i even got surprised that everyone dressed up for me... guys were in polo and girls were in dresses. my special 18 were actually in long sleeves... ahaha. include deo who surprisingly showed up. :D


anyway...i guess there's more to come for me this year.



psi-lent said...
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psi-lent said...

you weren't surprised that I showed up? hahahaha -kliff