29 October 2009

dear mom,

i miss you so much..
since you died.. everyone changed..
my world changed
and so is my life..
i hate it that god picked you out of the millions of mothers out there

i miss you so much
and the dreams make my memories of you vivid.

thanks for everything mom.

i love you.. with all my heart

05 October 2009

A Message for Those who wish to Run for the 2010 Philippine Election
(especially to the "PRESIDENTIABLES")

The Filipinos have been known to have successfully ousted two presidents because of unity. Recently, we've just portrayed a good example of, again, helping each other especially the victims of typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng. In the future, I really am hoping to see that it's not only in these events that we are known for; I want every Filipinos to be proud of this nation; I want the world setting our country as the example.

The Filipinos are worth dying for, a National Hero once said that, but in today's time... Filipinos are working on their visas to emigrate to first world countries. It's sad to see that Filipinos are studying to get a job in other countries. It's sad to see that Filipinos are seeing what's in other powerful countries not what's good in our own country.

This morning, I rode a bus on the way to school, and I felt bad when I saw a Filipino mom bathing his 2 year old kid along the sidewalks of the highway. With a soap and a jug of water, the mom bathes her 2 year old kid who seems malnourished-- he looks like a pregnant baby (I hope you can picture it). Along that same road, i saw an old Filipino woman (in her 60s or 70s) with her husband beside him-- the woman standing up, but the man in a crouching position looking at the back vommittings. It seems to me that the lolo and lola feel so helpless especially the man who feels sick. Again along that same road, i saw the walls of building with all the spraypaint vandalism written on it. I just sat inside the bus thinking to myself that when i was a kid, i never saw these signs of poverty.

I am an ordinary Filipino girl living with literally nothing extravagant. But I went and am going to the best schools though I live in an ordinary bungalow. I've ridden in almost all kinds of transportation available from kalesa to airplanes, from a kalabaw to F150s. I think I've experienced, saw and heard enough stories to comment on my country.

I've always wanted to have the power of the President, but it will take years, money and effort before I live in Malacanang. So to all presidentiables, please do listen coz you'll have the power, and all I'll have for now is a voice. Please use the position not to gain more money, but use it to do the best things for this country.

When I was a kid, I've been passing by rough rocky roads on my way to school and after more than ten years, those roads didn't become smooth, they became rockier (more baku-bako) and i feel bad that it the community i live in hasn't changed in a good way. Some of the youths in my street, rumor has it, have already stopped schooling.

The President has 6 years in a term, so i suggest you at least address 6 issues

1. Poverty
When I was in high school, I volunteered in an Immersion trip with the Aetas. For 4days and 3 nights, I ate food never served to me in table. I lived for four days without electricity and water. I lived in the mountains without a lavatory to clean myself. I realized that not only there are poor people in manila. There are still a lot in the mountains with no land and jobs and yet, no attention was given to them.
When I drive on the way to school, i pass by bridges and see the people living under those bridges. I don't know how they survive, but sleeping under the bridge seems impossible with all the cars speeding on their way to school and work.
When I am a passenger, i see kids begging and even moms with their babies begging. I am most of the time tempted to give them some coins, but knowing that their just working for illegal syndicate makes me hold back. Sometimes i give them some coins just so they wouldn't be battered or hurt when those syndicates collect their collections.
Poverty is not just in Manila, but all over the country and sometimes hidden in the mountains or under the bridges. i feel bad, and sometimes even cry, when i see poor people in tv. After the documentaries watched, i think to myself... what does the government do after watching those stories. Do they just turn of the tv? or do they really act on it.
I wonder what happened to the three kids who were used in PGMAs first SONA (the one who wrote letters in paper boats). Are they living a good life? If yes, what about their neighbors who didn't write in paper boats? What about the others who can't go to the Pasig River to send paper boats to the president?

2. Health
Health is wealth, but with only around P10 or maybe less allotted for every Filipino for their health... how can health be wealth? I feel bad seeing sick people. I don't go to hospitals hearing coughs, sneezes and cries. I hate it when i see old people in wheelchairs. I feel bad that not a big portion of the government budget is allotted for health. I feel worse knowing that barangay clinics don't have enough medicines for their barangay.

3. Rules
I've always wanted to bring back the time when Filipinos are scared to break rules. I feel that during those times there isn't really peace, but there is discipline.
I hate driving along commonwealth suddenly being stopped by a swerving shuttle bus or jeep. I hate driving along that big road having to stop because of pedestrians crossing just below the over pass. I don't get it. People are so lazy climbing up the stairs but so careless risking their lives. I HATE IT THAT PEOPLE DON'T CARE. POLICEMENT DON'T CARE. I HATE IT THAT VIOLATORS DON'T GET CAUGHT and what i hate most is that when YOU HIT THEM, YOU GET BLAMED.
Why can't rules just be strictly implemented. Jail all the jaywalkers to teach them a lesson. Jail all the rulebreakers whether traffic violators or criminals to teach them a lesson. Jail even the rich people if need be. What are rules for if no one follows it?
I also feel bad that anyone can just buy a stick of cigarette anywhere. IDs seem not to be working.Again.. rules should be implemented not ignored.

4. Trash
There's trash everywhere resulting to pollution resulting to flood, illnesses, then death. No one seems to care. People in their cars just open their window then throw a plastic full of McDo meals. Markets were never clean. There are cigarette butts everywhere. Only in schools where segregation is implemented, but again, only in some there is a strict implementation.
I remember when i was in high school, our school implemented a policy wherein if people do not follow proper segregation of trash, all trash cans will be pulled out. People will have to bring home their leftovers, their trash. it's actually helpful, but do consequences have to exist before people act on certain issues?

5. Education
I believe that if there is proper education, all the other four won't have to be an issue. I feel sad that public schools are still crowded. Why can all public schools be like those in makati where the classrooms are okay and the environment and ambience is good.
Having taught students during outreach activities make me feel worse about the country. Restrooms stink and the smell reaches three classrooms. Students share in one chair and with one book. Students seemingly thinking about nothing but playtime for the reason that, they just can't hear the discussions going on-- the lectures being taught.

6. The government
If the president isn't corrupt, it has a chain effect. Again you have the position and the power to change the country. Do whatever you want with the government! Change its structure! Change its rules! But i hope you do what you can for the country! Even better if you can make impossibilities happen. You have the power I've always wanted to have while I am here shouting but unheard.

People in states watch CSI, Gossip Girl, Dexter... shows that need not be romantic.
People in the Philippines watch romantic comedies, romantic telenovelas, romantic horror films for the reason that majority of the people still wants a feel-good show; something that makes them forget reality.

I learned in my Philo class that all people are part of one reality but has a different view on it. But why can't we work on having a reality equal as them...why can't we experience the beauty and wealth that the Philippines has.

The Philippines is one of the most bountiful country-- the most biodiverse, most abundant in gold deposits, most beautiful sceneries. But why can't Filipinos have the most bountiful life.

Way back 13th century, Filipinos were simple but ornamented with gold.
But as I see now, if we don't work on it, most of the Filipinos will be covered in grease or mud.

I am but a small voice... but i know I am somebody who has plans to change the country

04 October 2009

ondoy. pepeng. these are the two storms that gave students a lot of time to rest; these are the two storms that destroyed lives and houses; these are the two storms, that gave way for procrastination.

i've been at home for 2 days. unusual but true.

it's tiring. no maid meant that i have to clean the house.. and i've been cleaning this house for 2 days straight. plus the papers due tomorrow.

i miss the days when i can just sleep anytime i want.
i miss the days when i adore my body. (i am so freaking thin right now, just so you know)

21" waist line, 85lbs. weight. my body's scaring me. i've been thin ever since birth but now, i am UNUSUALLY THIN and i feel ugly.

i miss kliff. i haven't seen him since friday
i miss my mom i haven't seen him since 2004
i miss my sisters. we haven't spent time together since forever.


this is sad.
this entry is boring.