30 December 2007

so the year's about to end. 2007.
the year of my adventures, lies, hopes, and anger. it is the year i cried too much, made a lot of lies, made promises, heard promises, made adventures, and the year i learned whom among all the people in the world to value.
2007, though it started so well and ended not so good, will never be forgotten.
in this year, i met new friends.
loved old friends.
found new enemies.
discovered and heard the nonsensical of all things.
and read harry potter book 7. (ahahaha)

2007 was more of drama. histrionic (as some may say).
but because of all the dramas, and comedies, and not to forget the tragedies and mishaps.. and all the drinking sessions, parties, and out of towns that i've had.... i learned.. that it is only i who can conquer myself. (ahaha). only i.

and on my upcoming 18th year in this world...
it is only i whom i will trust
only i whom i will listen to
and only i whom i will follow orders from.

for on my 18th year... it is all about who i really was, am and will be.

i am extending my great big true hug to the following people.
* my sisters, of course (ate jen, may, cel - who has been with me through dark and hell)
* my friends (the long table)
* my cousins (dom, aj, kuya pao and danica - who never gave up on my shallowness)
* my dad (who is the source of our resources)
* my neighbors (who helped me get the key inside our house)
* the husband of my sister (who even though often piss me off, still helps us)
* ate jackie (whose voice irritates me but has been a really big help to us)
* kuya jon and kuya pepo(who made me laugh this christmas)
* aura (who's such a nice friend)
* anne (the only person whom i am willing to stop my world just to talk to her [we're both not lesbians,okay])
* marga (who patiently listens to my stories which i never end)
* patty b (who has been often available for me)
* detdet (who made me think happy thoughts when sad)
* ki (who is forcing me to stop what i thinking about my stupid thoughts)
* tito vanny (who cleaned up our mess in pangasinan)
* nikka, tep, lia, eryn and ayel (whom i have had adventures with)
* nikka again (whom i got drunk with almost the time)
* my blockmates (of course, i love you all)
* tita linda (special thanks to you)
* and of course, kuya i (you won't be forgotten in my "people whom i want-to-hug) list)

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