25 July 2007

watched the simpsons movie and ratatouille a while ago. both movie were good. i enjoyed both. but as always, the simpsons made me laugh. ahaha. spiderpig! spiderpig!

life's actually getting better. im having fun and i don't worry that much anymore. our house, as usual, is nothing but a boring place. i don't get to talk to the people in here that much because some are ignoring me, others are busy watching the tv or surfing the net, and some are just staying in their room. i wish i have someone to talk to in here. or someone who can just listen at my rubbish stories.

oh well, but my life's better in peace.

peace. what a crap. i don't think i'm really living in peace. ever since that day came (judgment day), everything was not settled in peace. my thoughts. myself. my moments. they're all not in peace. always anxious of what will happen next or how i'm going to deal with the bad consequences that might happen.

honestly, i don't know what to do. how to fight for myself. im left not alone but feeling alone. and that sucks, actually.

sigh. im just wishing that everything goes back to normal.

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