05 June 2006

sometimes you really have to erase everything to forget the past.

new day! new year! new layout. special thanks to keishia.

seniors' year has already started. but no fresh faces. what i saw in the classroom were the same people only with new hairstyles (some), new shoes, new bags, new things, and new? what else? our class wasn't that energetic, but it was good enough because in there were some of my friends (aura, ella, anne, and gem itao). funny, really, that aura is our oic and gemmalie (who arrived late) was our class secretary. wahaha

pbb was the topic my friends and i talked about almost every break. we danced, screamed, and sang, catching the attention of almost everyone in the canteen, who i think were completely thinking that we are annoying. well, who cares? haha don romantiko!!!

as usual,, orientation for the first day... whole day orientation about the new handbook, and other new stuffs. and, about the aircon that all seniors were looking forward this year,, was not even turned on this day. hopefully, tomorrow, the sisters will allow us to use it.

what else?

well, that's all for today..

p.s. bad thing about being in that section is.. im not with marga (my bestest best friend). haaay!! three years straight!

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